Josh’s Heart, Inc.

In Memory of Joshua Brent Moore

We created Josh’s Heart Inc. in memory of our son Joshua Brent Moore. Josh passed away on August 12, 2016, from complications caused by alcoholism. He was only 32 years old.


2nd Annual Homeless Connect


Save the Date, 2nd Annual Homeless Connect. August 10, 2024After a fantastic success last year (over 350 guests), Josh’s Heart is hosting the 2nd Annual Homeless Connect on Saturday, August 10th. Stay tuned as to how you can help, volunteer, or participate.

We are also in need of donors to help fund this event, as there are many pieces that fit into this beautiful puzzle of a project.
Contact Don:

Our Mission is Two-Fold:

We desire to bring hope, love, and help to those afflicted by addiction and homelessness. In a world where those suffering can feel invisible, we have made it our mission to let them know that they matter.

“You Matter!”

We want to bring awareness to our community that everyone has a story, everyone matters, and tragic circumstances can happen to anyone. Josh’s Heart is for him. We created Josh’s Heart, Inc. to help others who are homeless and addicted because that was his heart, Josh’s Heart.

Josh Was Always a Sweet-Hearted, Sensitive Boy

Josh was a sensitive soul, who struggled with insecurities his whole life. He battled with low self-esteem, mild learning disabilities, and depression. He had a heart for the homeless and literally would cry at times when he saw them. In his teenage years, he tried alcohol, along with many others, and unfortunately this became his way to feel better. Alcohol first became his coping mechanism but quickly turned into an addiction.

What We Are Doing

Giving 365

Help us to make a difference for those who feel cast aside and worthless due to their current circumstances. In a world where those suffering can feel invisible, we have made it our mission to let them know, “You Matter.”

Josh's Heart Homeless Connect

In the books! (August 12, 2023)

The Josh’s Heart Homeless Connect is a 1-day event for the homeless guests to gather, meet with local and state agencies and other various agencies to receive services, food, music, and community. Sacramento Regional Transit (SacRT) will be providing QR codes for the homeless to take light rail or the bus to the event, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will be providing ID cards, there will be medical, dental, and optical services provided, mobile showers, new clothes, underwear and socks, and the opportunity to get a haircut. These are just a few of the vendors that were at the event.

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Stay in touch with Josh's Heart or send us a note